Spoken Bride is Seeking an Associate Editor!

If words are your gift--spiritual reflection, sharing the fruits and vulnerabilities of your engagement or marriage, list-making, or otherwise--we want to hear from you! Spoken Bride is seeking an Associate Editor to join our team beginning in February 2017 and is accepting applications through February 1.

Responsibilities include:

  • Writing and/or editing three or more original pieces per month for the Spoken Bride blog
  • Constructing blog posts from start to finish, including drafting, editing, graphics, and preparation for social media
  • Editing several contributors' pieces per month and networking with past and future contributors
  • Assisting with editorial calendar
  • General communication and input with the team

Feeling called to apply? Here's how:

Fill out the form below with your qualifications and an original sample blog post. Sample posts should not have been previously published on other sites. Suggested topics can be found here. Some submissions will be featured on the Spoken Bride blog in upcoming months; see here for our editorial terms and policies.

Notes + Guidelines

  • At this time, Spoken Bride positions are not monetized. The Associate Editor position is unpaid, but does offer exposure of your work and unique viewpoint to our community of hundreds of Catholic brides each month.
  • Experience in writing, editing, theology, and/or weddings is ideal, but not required. Applications will be evaluated holistically, not on merit of qualifications alone.
  • Writing samples should be between 500-1,200 words.
  • The new Associate Editor will be notified by mid February.

We look forward to hearing your voice! Know of our prayers for you as we entrust this new position in our ministry to the intercession of Our Lady and of St. Francis de Sales, patron of journalists and writers.