Living in the Joy the Resurrection
These words spoken by Pope Saint John Paul II stand as a reminder that even though Easter Sunday has passed, we as Catholics are called to live in the Resurrection of Christ throughout our lives.
But what does it actually mean to be an “Easter people?” How can we embody this spirit of joy that permeates this liturgical season and practically make it part of our lives and marriages?
Participate in the Liturgy
First and foremost, the best way to enter into the joy of the resurrection is by attending mass with your spouse. When we participate in Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we celebrate and enter into the Paschal Mystery.
I know we are currently in a season where the suspension of public Mass has been deemed a necessity but even when we aren’t faced with a global pandemic, attending daily Mass isn’t always possible for many couples.
However, the Liturgy of the Hours, or the Divine Office, is an accessible form of prayer that extends the Liturgy of the Mass throughout the day and allows the Paschal Mystery to permeate our ordinary lives.
The Divine Office consists of five “hours”: the Office of Readings, Morning Prayer, Daytime Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Night Prayer. Consider adding one (or more) of these hours into your daily prayer routine with your spouse as a reminder of the mercy and faithfulness of the Lord.
Keep the Sabbath Holy
Every Sunday, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Resurrection. The unique Easter celebration that we just celebrated is reflected in the sacred events of the Christian Sabbath.
It’s a little Easter, so treat it as such! Pray in a unique way with your spouse. Enjoy a feast of good foods and treats. Take time to rest and enjoy quality time with your partner.
Every Sunday, my husband and I enjoy a delicious breakfast of baked Brie and toasted, homemade bread--foods we reserve solely for the Sabbath. Indulging in special foods helps us set the day apart from other days of the week, allowing us to enter more fully into the joy of the resurrection.
Live as a Missionary Disciple
As Catholics, we share a universal call to “make disciples of all nations.” By virtue of our Baptism, we are all missionary disciples and we have a duty to live out that call through evangelization.
If we know the Good News, if we truly believe that Jesus suffered, died, and rose again for our salvation, we should desire for others to know Him too. Our joy is meant to be shared.
You don’t have to shout your faith on a street corner or become a full-time missionary to do this.
Be intentional about investing in your friendships and community, invite others to join you in prayer, or share your testimony with a stranger. Witness to your faith with your life and with your marriage.
Don’t be afraid to boldly live out your faith and proclaim it to others.
Embrace sacrifice
Living as an Easter people does not mean we pretend that life is all rainbows and butterflies. Our joy should not be a shallow one.
We must recognize and even face darkness, sin, poverty, pain, and suffering, but live in the light of the Paschal Mystery. We must remember that Jesus conquered sin and death once and for all through his Passion.
In order to fully rejoice in the Resurrection, we must learn to rejoice in the Cross.
Find ways as individuals and as a couple to embrace the spirit of joyful sacrifice, specifically in your marriage.
A friend of mine recently gifted me sacrifice beads that I can carry with me throughout my day to help me build up a habit of offering prayers and sacrifices for others, and particularly, for my husband and children.
Embracing sacrifice daily helps ready our hearts to fully embrace and live out the joy of the resurrection.