Five Ways Catholic Couples Can Practice Hospitality this Fall
Married couples can offer many unique gifts to their family, friends, and community that are specific to their particular calling, especially the gift of hospitality.
Couples can practice hospitality in a variety of ways, but if you are looking for some ideas on how to do this in this new Fall season, give one of these a try!
Host a game night
What better way to spend a cozy autumn evening than with a fun game night!
Game nights are a laid-back and enjoyable way to host old friends or new ones you want to get to know better. You and your spouse might even consider making it a weekly event.
You can try out a game you’ve never played before, or bust out a well loved party game. You could even ask your board game savvy invitees to bring their favorite game to share with the group.
Invite local college students for a home-cooked meal
By now, college students may find that they’ve exhausted the dining options on campus and are itching for a home-cooked meal.
If you know a student or meet them at Sunday or daily mass, take the time to get to know them and then invite them over to share a meal with your family.
Students will appreciate delicious food, and will also enjoy experiencing life with a family (especially if you have young kids!)
Pie Tasting
Take this classic Fall treat and make a night out of it. Buy a variety of pies from the grocery store or from your local farmer’s market, and invite your neighbors over for a tasting.
If you wanted to add another layer to this idea, invite your family, friends, or neighbors to partake in a pie baking contest and then vote on a winner. It’s a fun (and delicious) activity everyone can enjoy.
Invite other couples to pray a rosary
The Church has declared October as the month of the Holy Rosary, so there is no better time to light some candles and pray a decade (or five!)
Invite your friends or other couples from your parish over for dinner (or drinks and dessert) and a rosary. You could simply pray it or you could provide some scripture to meditate on in between each decade.
This idea can help build a community among other Catholic couples and can allow you to build friendships on a strong foundation.
Host an All Hallows Eve party
The night before All Saints Day (October 31st) has long been known as All Hallows Eve. So you and your husband might consider celebrating the communion of saints on Halloween night.
Invite guests to dress up as their favorite saints or bring a potluck dish that relates to their favorite saint (perhaps Pope Cakes for St. John Paul II or a rose cake for the Little Flower?) You can have a contest for best dressed or prizes for correctly guessing someone else’s chosen saint.
Get creative in planning this event and encourage your guests to experience the joy the Church (both on Earth and in Heaven) have to offer.