More Uniquely Catholic Wedding Favors
Couples often choose to express their gratitude for their wedding guests by giving out favors at the reception.
While not a necessity, favors can provide personal touches to your wedding day and can serve as special mementos for your guests. Below you will find, some uniquely Catholic favors for your wedding reception or bridal shower:
Spiritual Bouquet
Shower your guests with prayer by giving them a spiritual bouquet of sorts on your wedding day.
Offer mass, pray a novena or another devotion during your engagement for the guests that will attend your wedding. Then make note of this on a sign somewhere in the reception area or give them a small card telling them that you remembered them and their intentions in your prayers.
Make a donation
In place of a traditional favor, make a donation in the name of your wedding guests to an organization that you and your fiancé want to support. Note this donation on a sign where guests walk into/out of the reception hall, on the table numbers, or the placement cards, etc.
Read more: Uniquely Catholic Wedding Favors
Your favorite treat
You can show your love and thanks to your wedding guests by going above and beyond to extend your hospitality during your wedding day. Food in particular is a good place to start.
For your wedding favor, consider giving out you and your fiancé’s favorite candy, snack, dessert, etc. This way you can personalize the favor so it has more meaning to you and your fiancé but can also be something that most people would like to eat or snack on at the end of the wedding celebrations.
Flowers (or flower seeds) make a good option for wedding favors, especially if you have a lot of local guests coming to your reception. Many flowers also contain a rich Catholic symbolism and can provide a beautiful touch to your guests’ homes.
If you choose to DIY your bouquets or centerpieces and have a bunch of vases/flowers leftover, you can write a note to your guests in the reception hall that they can take the flowers home as their favor. You can also thrift glasses or collect bottles/jars to use as vases for a thriftier option.
When deciding on favors, try to think about meaningful gifts that you can share with your guests. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. Offer favors that reflect you and your fiancé while also showing your guests that you appreciate them.